Falling behind

Omg ! I have been experiencing a severe headache a couple of weeks which could be related to a tension headache. I have no word to express how I feel, and I find myself falling behind as it is very complicated to concentrate on my Uni stuff. I tried my best and read one the post that Chris posted on his blog about the quiz allocates in week eight learning path . The title of these four questions stated as What do you know about bullying? I did the same quiz and whatever I scored empowered me to realise the level of my understanding towards bullying. He continued to say that he doesn’t really think much about Cyber Safety,He just knows when there is a bad looking email and not to open it. sometimes I do the same when I received emails or texts messages from unknown people or if I have a bad feeling , the only thing is preferable to do is to delete these unwanted emails in my box.

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